23 May 2020

Lockdown - Day 30

Week 15; 10 April 2020 - Jal Al Zour

Since it was the weekend and more time was available, I decided to visit Jal Al Zour ridge and check for the Wheatear's and Owl.

Jal Al Zour Ridge

There were no other people around, so that made the visit more special. It didn't take too long to find the White-crowned Wheatear's, but only 3 birds this morning. 

The adults kept their distance, but the juvenile (without the white crown) was really obliging and at time was almost hopping around my feet as it fed on emerging flying ants. Often too close to even focus, but a very special time, in silence and in peace.

Juvenile White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga)

Even House Sparrows took advantage of the flying protein

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

There were quite a number of Beetles around, so I swapped the big glass for the macro and discovered there were two species; The smaller Fat-bodied Darkling

Fat-bodied Darkling (Apentandes arabicus)

and the larger Sacred Scarab (we would call them Dung Beetles in South Africa)

Sacred Scarab (Scarabaeus sacer linnaeus)

There was a small and petite plant with really delicate flowers that also caught my attention

Desert flower

I then put the macro away and continued to check for the Owl. Lo and behold, it was sitting on the same rock-face as when I last visited. Clearly this is it's territory. You can see the 'false' eyes on the back of it head in the first image..

Lilith Owlet (Athene n. lilith)

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