Week 01, 31 December 2013 - Al Abraq
In hindsight I should have gone out yesterday, but once you are up, you are sort of committed. As it was still dark when I left, the heavy clouds weren't that noticeable, but the lighter it got, the more apparent they became. Nevertheless, I pushed on to Al Abraq in the optimistic hope that something interesting might have arrived.
The gate was still closed, so I enjoyed the dramatic sunrise in this big sky country.
Dramatic clouds on this last day of the year |
Finally, I got into the farm and circled the farm a few times, finding a few Water Pipits
Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) |
and a couple of Meadow Pipits that have been around for a couple of weeks
Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) |
Both Redstart's were still present, but I was only able to get images of the female Western Black Redstart.
Female Western Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) |
By now, the wind speed had increased, so I decided to head back into the brewing dust storm. I found the male Common Chaffinch which I had seen on my last visit, in one of the fields - so a bird of colour to end what has been a long and testing year.
Male Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) |
A very happy New Year to my family, friends, fellow birders and bloggers who have followed my birding stories on this Blog. I hope my posts have given a feel and insight for the avian life in this Land of Sand.
May 2014 be all that you wish for and more.....