20 February 2013

A morning in the South

Week 07, 14 February 2013 - Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City (Click to enlarge image)

I spent a morning down at Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City in the oldest part of the project exploring the pristine lagoons and each of the 4 small islands.

Interestingly, very few passerines were seen, but I did photograph a few of the many large Dragonflies seen on the islands. I believe this is the male, but not sure of the species - however one of my readers has suggested that it could be Vagrant Emperor (Anax ephippiger), so I will go with this identification.

Male Vagrant Emperor (Anax ephippiger)
And this is the female of the same species.

Female Vagrant Emperor (Anax ephippiger)
In the shallow water just off one of the islands beaches, I came across a massive shoal of small fish that should have been a smorgesbrod for the few Grey and Western Reef Herons that were about...but strangely, no birds were taking advantage of this easy meal. I quite liked the symmetry in this image

Shoaling Fish
Swimming against the flow

Coming through
Time to change direction

Organised chaos
I quick trip off shore gave a single Caspian Gull

Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans)
And a few of the expected Great Cormorants with some males now in full breeding plumage.

Male Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
After the boat, I explored some desert areas finding two early Spring arrivals in the form of a distant Marsh Sandpiper

Early Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)
and a few Ruff against the light

Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)

1 comment:

  1. I think that the dragonflies are Anax ephippiger (Vagrant Emperor)
