30 September 2014

Warblers of JEO - Part 4

Week 35, 29 August 2014 - Jahra East Outfall (JEO)

In this final installment, a few of the other more obvious Warblers and other species that were observed in the morning session are shown below.

Similar in size to the small Acro's, I had a single Upchers Warbler that was seen almost alongside the Basra as it came down to drink and have a early morning bath. In the gloom of the reeds and out of direct sunshine, it appeared very cold in colour and almost grey reminiscent of a 1st year bird.

Upcher's Warbler (Hippolais languida)

A little later, I saw some movement near the base of the reeds some distance away and got onto a pretty dark Warbler that appeared to be skulking through the reeds - certainly not as active and buoyant as the smaller Reed Warblers. I initially thought this could be River, but it was a Savi's Warbler. However, I had not seen such a dark form before and Peter agrees with me that this 1st year bird could be fusca - but this is not 100% confirmed.

Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides), possibly fusca?

Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides)
The last Warbler species to make an appearance was an equally active and quite distinctive Sedge Warbler. We also have Moustached, but these tend to be a little more discreet and skulking. The fresh plumage of the Sedge suggests another 1st year bird, as adults only moult in winter.

Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)

Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
During the course of the morning, a number of other species were seen - even though the focus was on the Warblers and trying to re-locate the Paddyfield. There was a Common Sandpiper sat quietly on the dead reed mat in the outfall

Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
Numbers of Western (Blue-headed) Yellow Wagtails - at this time of year, they are difficult to pin down to race

Blue-headed Wagtail (Motacilla flava flava)
Lastly, an adult Red-backed Shrike in the early morning light

Adult Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio)
and later a 1st year Masked Shrike to round off a satisfying and challenging morning and a little frustrating by not picking up the Paddyfield I had hoped to find.

1st year Masked Shrike (Lanius nubicus)

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