01 August 2018

Birds and invertebrates

Week 04; 27 January 2018 - Kirhan

Again, I decided to explore further south today - but this time down to Kirhan and the Sea City resort, grabbing a McDonald's breakfast on the way.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much reward for the long drive, but it made a nice change from the usual haunts. Barn Swallows were foraging overhead - not sure if these are migrating early or part of the few that over winter

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

In an informal dumping area of building rubble, Isabelline 

Isabelline Wheatear (Oenanthe isabellina)

And Desert Wheatear were found - but no Red-tailed unfortunately

Desert Wheatear (Oenanthe deserti)

Since there weren't many other birds to be seen, I checked for invertebrates and added a few butterflies to the morning's list; Blue Pansy

Blue Pansy (Junonia orithya here)

Blue-spotted Arab which I have only seen in Kuwait since last year (where were they all the years before?) - actually a gorgeous little butterfly

Blue-spotted Arab (Colotis phisadia)

And a Pea Blue or Long-tailed Blue

Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus)

There were a couple of Wasp species, but I have no clue on the ID of these

Wasp sp?

Wasp sp

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