23 October 2018

Sunset at JPR

Week 39; 28 September 2018 - Jahra Pools Reserve

I decided to try Jahra Pools late in the afternoon in the hope that a few raptors may drop in to roost for the night - no such luck!

On the way to the outfall I found a Red-wattled Lapwing that appeared to be injured - since this is Kuwait, more likely it was wounded from a pellet gun

Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus)

The daylight hours have certainly got shorter and sun set is now around 5:30 and it drops real quick. At the outfall I had a statuesque Grey Heron at the outfall

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)

Whilst Black-crowned Night Herons were pretty active and vocal

Adult Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)

A small pool on the way back to the gate had Little Crake in the gloom, so really had to push the ISO

Little Crake

After sunset, a flock of Ducks decided to continue their journey south in the dark

Heading south

Whilst at the gate numerous Kuhl's Pipistrelle were out on mass feeding on the midges - but surprisingly no Naked-rumped Tomb Bats

Kuhl's Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii)

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